We are ready and excited for our 8th Annual Free Dental Day! Thank you Sonya and Lauren for planning and coordinating our event!
We asked each team member to select one word to describe Alyssa… “…confident, hard-working, calm, decisive, determined, multi-tasker, genuine, candid, resilient, reliable, strong, refreshing, fun, and consistent.”
We asked each team member to select one word to describe Amanda… “…approachable, enthusiastic, bubbly, joyous, fun, curious, likable, spirited, funny, trustworthy, amusing, gregarious, spunky, and playful.”
We asked each team member to select one word to describe Hailey… “…calm, sociable, congenial, thoughtful, friendly, detailed, zen, caring, sweet, sincere, free-spirited, considerate, charismatic, colorful, and witty…”